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"An heirloom tomato from eastern Germany. The name of this adorable heirloom cherry tomato means "little blonde girl". Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce big, leafy, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield a phenomenal amount of 1/2", grape-sized, brilliant yellow/gold, cherry tomatoes in clusters of 20-30. The vines are large and sprawling, so give them plenty of space. Blondkopfchen is undoubtedly one of the BEST TASTING cherry tomatoes. Deliciously sweet with a slight citrusy tart finish. I have had this in our garden as our favorite snacking tomato for many years and use this cherry tomato for introducing tomatoes to kids who claim they don't like tomatoes. Just put this in your mouth and see if you can keep from smiling. For many years TomatoFest has been one of the few commercial sources for these special tomato seeds. A Non-cracking, disease resistant tomato variety that grows well in most climates including cooler growing regions.." - Tomatofest

Blondkopfchen aka Little Blonde Girl Tomato Plant (From Organic Seed)

SKU: 6798056503171
Pick-up and delivery available May 4.
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